Platinum Black, Sintered Platinum, Iridium Black, Gold Black, Iridium Black
With over 30 years of experience in gas adsorption and catalysis Ceimig has unparalleled expertise in the development and manufacture of high quality HSA (High Surface Area) materials for the Gas Sensor industry.
Ceimig materials are comparable in price to other commercially available products but exhibit unparalleled quality, sensitivity and batch to batch consistency. Typically, Ceimig ‘Black’s’ outperform other commercially available sensor materials - in some instances customer have reported Ceimig Black’s to be up to 8 times more sensitive than other commercially available materials.
Ceimig’s attention to performance and quality results in reduced material usage, reduced waste, enhanced yield and improved process consistency for sensor manufacturers.
Ceimig Product Group
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Combustible Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbon Fuels
Alcohol (breathalysers)
Domestic alarms.
Industrial alarms & monitors.
CO cylinder Storage
Platinum Black (HSA-Pt)
Highly dispersed Pt, black in appearance, surface area ~ 32 m2g, tap density < 0.7 g/ cm3.
Hydrogen (H2)
Hazardous environments
Control of hydrogen scramble & elimination of background noise
Sintered Platinum (Pt)
Dispersed powder, grey/ silver in appearance
Iridium Ruthenium Oxide
Jet black in appearance, surface area 50-150 m2 g-1, where higher sensitivity is required.
Platinum H2 Catlyst
Specially developed product for superior H2 detection
Sulphur containing compounds e.g. Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)
Refrigeration and food storage
Gold Black (Au)
A highly dispersed gold material rust red in colour. Ideal for adsorption of sulphur containing gases. Resistant to sulphur poisoning and can be utilised in electrochemical sensing.
Platinum Ruthenium Black (HSA Pt/Ru Black)
Highly efficient fuel cell electrode material, low sulphate and chlorine content
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
Mercaptan detection e.g. in
natural gas & aviation fuel
Gold Black (Au)
A highly dispersed gold material rust red in colour. Ideal for adsorption of sulphur containing gases. Resistant to sulphur poisoning and can be utilised in electrochemical sensing.
Ammonia (NH3) &
Hydrazine (N2H4)
Polymer manufacture
Pharmaceutical manufacture.
Ammonia generation from NOx
Iridium Ruthenium Oxide
Jet black in appearance, surface area 80-150 m2 g-1, where higher sensitivity is required.
If you have a new gas detection application or require specific sensor material characteristics which are unavailable from current products Ceimig offers a Custom Compound Synthesis Service (CCSS) to help you meet these more challenging requirement. For further information and to discuss your requirements in more detail, or, for informaion on our CCSS services please contact us.